The Stryker Rejuvenate was only briefly tested in the laboratory prior to widespread sale to the public. The Stryker Rejuvenate is made with a modular femoral neck. This is a different design than the traditional hip implant devices. The traditional hip implant devices had two parts, a femoral stem with a ball on it and then a cup that is placed in the acetabulum of the pelvis.
The Stryker Rejuvenate has four parts. It has a femoral stem, a metal neck, a ball, and an acetabular cup. The proposed advantage of the multipart or modular design is that the surgeon has a number of different metal neck parts of slightly different lengths and angles that he or she can choose to use during the surgery to try to obtain the best angle and length for the implant.
The problem with this design is that each time you have a metal joint between two different metal parts there is a risk of fretting from the movement in the metal joints and subsequent corrosion of the metal neck either at the joint with the femoral stem or the joint where the neck segment is inserted into the ball. The fretting and corrosion of the metal parts releases metal debris into the patient’s hip compartment where it will usually cause inflammation, fluid buildup and failure of the implant. That is why the Stryker Rejuvenate hips are failing and why they were recalled in August of 2012.